Una mano che versa del vino in un bicchiere per degustare un vino

How to taste a wine

Tasting a wine is an art that involves all the senses. Whether you're a wine lover curious to explore new labels or looking for a refined way to entertain your friends, this guide will show you how to taste wine like a true expert. Follow these simple steps and discover how to enhance every sip, making each bottle a sensorial journey.

Preparations for wine tasting

Before you begin, make sure you have:
  • Suitable glasses : Use clear, undecorated crystal glasses. For still wines, a universal wine glass will do just fine. For sparkling wines, however, use flutes or tulip glasses to enhance the aromas and maintain the freshness of the bubbles.
  • White napkins : To better observe the color of the wine.
  • Water and bread : To cleanse the palate between one tasting and another.

Finally, it creates a calm and well-lit environment, without strong odors that could interfere with the perception of the aromas of the wine.

Steps to taste wine

Observe the main characteristics of the wine

  • Color : Pour a small amount of wine into the glass and tilt it on a white surface, to better observe its color and reflections. Young white wines, such as Pecorino Abruzzese, are straw yellow in color with greenish reflections, while aged ones can take on golden hues. Rosé wines, such as Cerasuolo d'Abruzzo, have a bright cherry pink color. Young red wines tend towards ruby ​​red and take on intense and deep colors with ageing, as in the case of Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, known for its prolonged maceration. The color, in addition to aging, can also reveal the type of grape used and the winemaking technique.
  • Clarity : A clear, bright wine is generally a sign of quality. Cloudiness can be a sign of winemaking problems or an unfiltered wine, which can have a more complex flavor.
  • Viscosity : Swirl the glass slightly and observe the "tears" running down the walls of the glass. These are influenced by the alcohol and sugar content of the wine. Thick, slow tears may indicate a wine with high alcohol or sugar content.


  • First Nose : Bring the glass to your nose without shaking it and take a first sniff. Try to identify the primary aromas, which are often fruity, floral, herbaceous or mineral.
  • Second Nose : Shake the glass slightly to release further aromas and smell again. Secondary and tertiary aromas emerge with aeration and may include spicy, toasty, balsamic or ethereal notes. The breadth and aromatic complexity are indicators of the quality of the wine.


  • First Sip : Take a small sip and let the wine cover the entire surface of your tongue. Identify the basic flavors: sweet, sour, salty, bitter. The sweetness comes from residual sugars, the acidity from the natural acids of the grape, the bitterness from tannins (in red wines) and the saltiness from minerals present in the soil.
  • Body and Structure : Evaluate the structure of the wine. Is it light, medium or full-bodied? Is the acidity balanced? Are the tannins soft or astringent? A well-balanced wine will have harmony between these components.
  • Persistence : After swallowing, notice how long the flavors stay in your mouth. A quality wine will have a long and pleasant persistence, with an aromatic tail that can last several seconds or minutes.


    Tasting a wine at home can be an enriching and enjoyable experience. By following these steps, you can improve your tasting skills and appreciate each glass of wine more consciously.

    If you want to have an authentic experience and further deepen your knowledge, we invite you to visit Cantina Margiotta. Here you can participate in guided tastings, visit the historic vineyards and the cellar, and savor high-quality wines accompanied by local products.

    Book your visit now to discover the art of wine tasting in Abruzzo.

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